Marriage can be a beautiful thing. Women and men being life partners. Being each others other half essentially. I have never been in a relationship before with the opposite sex. Relationships with your family where there is unconditional love is different right? I can never Imagine loving someone let alone romantically. Even though the love between husband and wife is different, from what I hear, it actually sounds very far fetch to me. Don't get me wrong I want it, I just don't know if it's in me.
The farthest I ever felt was a 'crush'. Any guy that I had a crush on to be honest they were practically fictional. For example I liked this guy in my grade 11 class but I soon realized I didn't like him at all. I actually just made it up in my head, his personality, character and everything.
Another issue I have is that I might be a commitment-phobe. I have never had a phone contract for more than two years! Plus the type of guys I like vary after a few years . What if something I like at 2013 is not what I like in 2020? My opinions change a lot and I am scared to make any permanent decisions. I am 19. What I want at 19 is it truly what I want at 25? :s
Anyways, do you guys have any fears relating to marriage?