Monday, January 7, 2013


Why do we expect males to understand us on an emotional level?

It's interesting, females complain about males being "hot and cold". Females complain that they want a man to "get you". Drop the hopes and dreams. You'll meet a male who you can talk all day to and will be adequately responsive. You'll meet males who don't really say much and don't understand the concept of "emotionally connecting". Most males fall in to the latter subgroup. It doesn't mean that they're tactless or clueless or "not right for you". It just means that you might have to look at things from his perspective.


  1. Is this post for real? Guys lie. Full stop. They pick and choose when to be responsive. You guys are too young to understand how manipulative guys are. In the words of all guys, if they grow up with the 'go make me a sammich' mentality, you sure know what kind of guy he is.

  2. It's really simple. Ignore everything a guy tells you and watch what he does instead. Actions speak louder than words.

  3. Loving your blog girls! Finally sisters doing it for themselves!

    1. I assume we'll expect to see you around more.

  4. sometimes i dont like it when a guy is trying to hard to connect with me. It is not islamically correct to have that bond before marriage. And also maybe he tries to please all girls by connecting with them. On the other hand, a guy that hardly talk is a nigthmare. I have a problem with too much silence. :( So probably guys will never get us girls.


Go on. Leave it a little something. :)

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