Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Yasmin's Corner: The Best Is Yet To Come

"You can’t expect to find the right someone until you know who you are, what matters to you, and what makes your heart happy."
This is the essence of a life partner. I cringe at the thought of making that decision at 22 or 23. Who you are at 19 isn't who you will be at 23, and who you are at 23 will not be whom you become at 26.  Most importantly what makes my heart happy today, will force my past to haunt me. I always wonder whether I will be happy spending my life with another individual? Will I have room to welcome this person to share my life, know my secrets, have access to me at my most exposed moment both physically and emotionally. Am I ready to open myself up  to this person? You have to trust this individual with your life.

Some females believe that the man they want to associate themselves with is just there to have around and do recreational activities with. They're comforted with this individual because someone finally believes she's beautiful. This is their cuddle muffin, the individual that believes she can do no wrong, and the individual that proves they were worth something. Some females aren't exposed to the opposite sex, they aren't socially calibrated to understand that he cannot give them the inner happiness they truly seek. Some females throw their hearts to any man who walks by hoping that he can do something with it that she can't. When will these women realize that he's more clueless about her heart than she is? No one can take better care of their own heart than they can (unless life were like Pokemon, handing over your heart to the PokeCenter every time it gets hurt).

It took me a long time to understand an individual is the own key to his or her own happiness. Females allow the words of a deadbeat to make her smile. Females allow themselves to associate with abusive male counterparts.

What I wonder is, when will a females mind change? What makes her happy today might not make her smile tomorrow.  At 20 years old will I be able to allow what constitutes as my husband? At 15 I wrote a list of what type of male I would allow in my life. What was interesting about that list is that it made more sense than a list of criteria I wrote at 17. Now, at 19 I cannot relate to either one because I don't know what I want. As a human develops, new knowledge cancels out old knowledge. However, it doesn't mean old knowledge isn't better for oneself.  This brings out the question of how well do you know yourself?


  1. This is very true.

    In short you can't really take on someone else's heart till you know your own.

  2. This post reminds me of a pod cast I was listening to. You have to listen to it. I will give you the link.


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