Saturday, January 12, 2013

Yasmin's Corner: Holding an Unfamiliar Hand

You meet someone whom your mind takes to rapidly. It doesn't work out between you two but you can't seem to get over him. You just can't accept the pretext or other justifiable causes. You mull over your options, alternatively, your pride won't let you initiate any contact. But it's your fear of letting yourself feel vulnerable. You do everything within your jurisdiction to have him notice your presence and hope he caves first.

But you feel pathetic and petty. So you stop and pour the white wine on the floor while telling yourself "R.I.P" It's gunna be O.K. Chances are he isn't even your "true love". You disregard any code of behaviour when you know he's "the one". You'll move on. Not all on your own. You'll start to forget about him when you meet a new male. My world revolved around my 9th grade crush. Believe me! 6 years later, my taste developed along with my life.

Just understand that you give your power over to him the more you obsess about him. Yes, keep on clinging on to him. That's normal. But don't ignore the chance to move forward. Especially when you're pseudo-clinging. No, that's sad lol. You were fine before you knew he existed, and you'll sure as hell be fine after he's not in the picture.

1 comment:


    Enjoy :)


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