Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why Do Girls Compromise The Wrong things?

Why do people compromise the good qualities when it comes too their other half?

Have you ever notice when people are single they usually have an idea of their perfect spouse. For most Muslim girls it is a practicing brother. Yeah we all say we want that practicing brother with that great heart who will help us improve, but when it comes down to it most girls just settle for less. How many times has a similar scenario happen to me.

Friend: BITTER.SWEET BABE, Hawty Mc Hot Hot (Okay so they don't actually call me that)

Me: Yes, my lovely awesome friend?

Friend: Guess what, I met a guy.

Me: No way! Tell me about him

Friend: He is so amazing bitter.sweet. He is down to earth, you know but...

Me: O.O But what?

Friend: He occasionally drinks... But only a social drinker!

Me: Oh but... he drinks.

Friend: Yeah I know, but he is so amazing Bitter.sweet

Me: *Tries to reason to friend but she doesn't really listen.

You and me both know that this guy is someone we should not pursue. It doesn't only have to be drinking it can be some many other factors. These flaws are basically signals telling us not to continue. To the people who fall in "love" these flaws become so insignificant, they are blinded by the feelings they feel. The worst part is, after the magical feeling has simmered down, they realized that there has been a lot of time that has been wasted investing on the person... Regret.

Something I like to do to rule someone out is to ask myself "Is this the guy I want to be that father to my children" if no I walk away.  I also think to myself  "Would the women of Jannah be doing this?" If the answer once again is no, please. Please. Walk. Away.

Blindly falling your heart will not be worth it in the long wrong. You will only end up with
1) A Heart broken
2) An awful marriage
3) Time Wasted
Even worse all three. Please, please, PLEASE do not lower your standards, but also try keep your standards achievable and realistic.

I wish you princesses the best of luck.




  1. nice blog, looking forward to more of your posts

  2. So true. Don't lower your standards for anybody. Always seek Allah's advice before anything. Some guys are very good at putting on a front. Ask your creator for the best decision for you.


Go on. Leave it a little something. :)

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